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Is My Company Big Enough for In-House Servers?

In-house Servers

SMBs might be under the misguided notion that they don’t really need a regular server. But companies of various sizes can still use and benefit from these kinds of servers.  A reliable server increases efficiency. Once you have around five connected computers, adding a server to your infrastructure can do wonders.

For a company, a server might look as simple as a desktop PC. But servers, unlike PCs, do much more than just help with spreadsheets, e-mail, browse the web, and perform word processing tasks. Instead, servers support multiple users through an operating system. It runs e-mail, print servers, calendar programs, databases, and other software.

What Can Your Server Serve for Your Business?

Servers come in options: in-house or cloud. Regardless of the size of your business, choose a scalable option for your server. And you want a secure and reliable server too. But does that mean that small businesses should just go off-site for servers and only big companies should stay on? This assumes in-house design is only for larger entities, when in reality, SMB’s servers can easily be commercial data centers or in-house systems.

What can an in-house server offer: In-house lets you consolidate storage into a more reliable and secure model. E-mail, calendars, and backup systems remain in place and with easy access. In-house servers encourage collaboration on projects. Smaller companies need multiple projects done with less people. Increasing the speed for accessing material encourages client retention. Information remains in a single area, under your complete control, where all permitted parties can access it, on-site or remotely.

Cloud servers may not require a large staff to manage the system; once an in-house system is established, neither does it. Off-site means entrusting your data to someone else: If they go down, so too do you. You could even lose your data. Productivity could slow down considerably if employees cannot share files through wired or wireless means or if connection speed drops from your hosting source. Privacy is another concern going with the cloud. In-house secures your data.

In-House Servers Provide Reassurance

Going “cloud,” overlooks the importance of improving business outcomes, not just getting out of IT infrastructure. And on-site ownership has advantages too. Consider in-house server ease in terms of more control and customizability. These factors might be less personalized if an outside source controls your server. And a problem on your end, might be world-ending. But to your cloud-provider: less urgent. You could be one of many companies reporting a problem. Think of the recent Amazon server outage. Data transmission came to a standstill and companies connected to the server could do nothing about it.

SMBs: Build a Server that Gives You the Reins

In-house servers are not to be considered the “old” or outdated method. Instead, companies are converging methods: on-site and off-site. Some data may be best stored in-house, while other data is best optimized and utilized in the cloud. The size of your company is not what matters when it comes to deciding in-house or cloud. Using an in-house server even if your company is small, means you control your data. The documents and information you share with employees is no less critical than that shared within a larger entity. Because of this, SMBs are no less suitable for in-house systems. Access, security, and, reliability is what matters.

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