Sharp and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) have jointly developed an Ultra High Definition LCD display. The LCD, which boasts an approximately 33 megapixels (7,680 x 4,320 pixels) display, is a world’s first for a direct-view display. There haven’t been any direct-view HDTVs capable of showing a full 7,680 x 4,320 pixel resolution.
Super Hi-Vision will offer powerful, life-like image reproduction.
Ultra High Definition Television (or UHD and Ultra HDTV) is a digital video format that is 16 times the resolution (4320p) of HDTV. It is being proposed as the next-generation television broadcast format by NHK. NHK is advocating this video format as Super Hi-Vision.
Watch the video below for some specs and demonstration:
Super Hi-Vision LCD – 世界初のスーパーハイビジョン対応液晶ディスプレイを開発
This LCD will be shown to the public at NHK’s Science & Technology Research Laboratories in Tokyo from May 26 to 29, 2011
Source: Sharp