Years ago, audiobooks were on CD and popped into the car stereo system in anticipation of long drives, or listened to on headphones. However, although the format and platforms have changed since then, the art of narrating a story via spoken word is still as popular as ever. Whether you read print version of favorite novels or prefer the eBook release, audiobooks are something that exist in a completely different universe. Here are a few reasons why you’ll find audiobooks are something you may want to rediscover, or even experience for the first time.
1. Free eBooks and Apps
One of the best things about downloading audiobooks today is that you can gets lots of them for free. The Nook audio book free app is a great example of an app that delivers a lot of punch without excessive cost. If you’re googling searching for the best way to listen to audiobook, look no further than the Nook website. One of the best parts of trying your hand at listening instead of reading is that there are so many apps designed to host audiobooks. Although this might seem like an outdated medium, it’s really not, since there’s such a large demand for it. Not only that, but many times, you’ll find that providers offer free trials of different audiobooks, especially if you download the app.
2. User Friendly Interfaces
Using a service to find audiobooks and then a different brand’s app to listen can be troublesome at times. However, Tom’s Guide named the Nook audiobook app as one of the top ten apps for audiobooks out there, citing its seamless integration between purchasing books and then listen to them directly through the app. This hassle free transition between purchase and use is one of Nook’s major benefits, since it offers complementary apps for each type of content you purchase from the online store, whether audiobooks, video, or eBooks.
3. Cutting Edge Content
Self publishing via the Internet was a huge deal for fledgling or emerging writers a few years ago. Although the market has been flooded since the trend caught on quickly, the entrepreneurial spirit can still be found in the information age, and independent authors are starting to dabble in audiobooks released on an app format. Published author and scholar Laura Cadwell recalls her first experience with audiobooks, which was the book on tape, but notes that while many authors are hesitant to create an audiobook, it’s a brand new world in terms of self publishing.
4. Modern Narration Tactics
Audiobooks are getting more creative and pushing the envelope when it comes to narration techniques and playing with the listener’s experience. NPR points out one audiobook that uses three different voice actors to narrate three different points of view, creating a layered storytelling experience that reflects the refreshing ingenuity that the audiobook market is currently undergoing.
Everyone is looking for a new experience when it comes to literature or any other reading material. The audiobook platform has been reinvented. It’s here that you’ll find some of the most cutting edge approaches to modern day storytelling based on spoken word. Narration is an extremely important part
of a reading experience, and taking into account how you’re interpreting a story based on these voices can result in fascinating interpretations of a text that might otherwise be impossible. The Nook audiobook app, for example, provides instantaneous accessibility to a huge array of authors and an easy way to access the content.
5. If You Like the Car Stereo
There’s no reason to feel like you need to give up the car stereo if that’s what you prefer. The fact of the matter is that, even in today’s app-crazed world of technology, audiobook apps are compatible with Bluetooth systems in an automobile. There are lots of different ways to consume media, whether you’re listening to it on headphones or surround sound in the car. However, the consistent thread is that you’ll always be able to rely on a spoken version of a story rather than desperately waiting for an opportunity to pop open your book at a discreet time. Not only that, but sometimes having a surround sound experience can be stress relieving since it helps to develop an entirely different atmosphere in which to exist. This is especially true if you’re trying to set up a tranquil space before you go into a busy workplace. If you’re interested in being meditative or reflecting on things before your day gets started an you commute by car, audiobooks are the way to go.
Audiobooks add an entirely different dimension to the narrating experience. Reading is an important, immersive experience, but the audio format has its own charms and unique attributes. Unlike simply reading words on a page, the audiobook forces you to listen at a slower pace, and potentially even reveals certain details that you might’ve not even considered at first. Apps aren’t just for eBooks these days, and there’s no reason not to enjoy the audiobook just as much as the printed word in a cutting edge electronic format.
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