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More Ways to Keep Your Smartphone and Data Safe

Smartphone and Data Safe

If you’re like most smartphone owners, you utilize your phone for just about everything. From making calls and checking emails, to social media and shopping, mobile phones have become somewhat of a “necessity” to the average person. While this modern convenience can prove beneficial for more reasons than one, it also heightens the risks of something happening.

From physical damage to stolen phones or data, there is a lot to be concerned about with your smartphone. Having to go a day without your phone or finding out that information on your phone has been compromised is enough to stress anyone out. To help minimize these stressful events from taking place, we’ve come up with a few tips to protect your smartphones and its data.

Physical Damage

Whether your phone is insured or not, physical damage to your smartphone could leave you without a phone for several days or even worse – having to replace the phone before you’re ready. While we’ve talked about basic tips for buying a case and screen protector, there are some other steps you can take to protect your phone from physical damage.

  1. Don’t Use the Phone By Water – If you’re going to be hanging out by the pool, at the shore, in the shower, or even washing dishes, it is probably not a good idea to try and use your phone. Wait until you’re away from the water to use it, no matter how tempting it might be to check that text message or email.
  2. Keep it Secure – When you’re moving around, it is best to keep your phone in a secure location. Whether this is in your pocket, work bag, or purse, it’s a lot better than holding it in your hand. If you’re going to be participating in physical activities such as exercise or sports, investing in a smartphone band that wraps around your arm is ideal.

It also helps to point out that should you decide to upgrade one day, a phone in better condition can be worth more money to companies such as ItsWorthMore.com who buy used phones.

Lost or Stolen Phone

Smartphones are worth hundreds of dollars in good condition and therefore they are attractive to anyone looking to earn a few bucks. While the obvious tip here would be to make sure that you keep your phone near you at all times, life happens. So, here are some things you can do that will minimize the stress should your phone get lost or stolen.

  1. Phone Locator App – The first bit of advice would be to invest in a phone locating application. Should your phone ever come up lost or stolen, you at the very least have the ability to try and track it down.
  2. Use Strong Security Features – Most smartphones come with the option to add multi-layered security features. This might include password protection, lock screens, or fingerprint and eye scanners. These features can be more security than a typical password because it requires your fingerprint or eye to unlock the phone.
  3. Contact Your Phone Provider – Many mobile phone providers also have remote security services in which they can temporarily shut down your phone so that information cannot be taken. Should your phone become lost or stolen, it’s probably a good idea to give them a call right away.

Compromised Data

To protect your phone’s data from being compromised, there are a ton of things you can do.

  1. Don’t Open Suspicious Email – If you’re checking your email from your phone, be sure that you don’t open emails that look suspicious. If the sender is a person or company you’re unaware of, don’t open it as it could be filled with viruses that bug your phone.
  2. Watch the Sites You’re on – As you’re browsing the web, be careful of the type of websites you land on. Some sites can be filled with vicious malware and spyware that can then scan your phone for information. If you’ve never shopped on the site before, do some research to ensure that it is safe and that your financial information will not be compromised.
  3. Download Virus Protection – Just as you would with your computer, make sure that you have downloaded the best version of virus protection for your phone. This can minimize the chances of hackers getting into your personal information.
  4. Be Careful of Public WiFi – While local Wi-Fi connections can be free and save you money on your data plan, they are open to the public and can cause some security risks. To ensure that personal data is not accessed, you should be careful of connecting to public networks. If you do use the connection at the very least, make sure that you don’t log onto sites that require personal information such as your bank account.

There’s a lot to be concerned about as a smartphone owner, but with a bit of smart thinking and preparation, you can prevent many of the above events from ever occurring. Should your phone or data become compromised, don’t forget to contact your mobile provider right away for the fastest security solutions.

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