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6 Key Factors to Achieving a Successful Link Building Strategy

Key Factors to Achieving a Successful Link Building Strategy

2021 is all about utilizing digital resources in the most optimum and lucrative way. Online marketing has changed the blueprint of brand development. If you want to achieve success in today’s time, you have to ace digital marketing mechanisms. Out of many, SEO is a crucial factor in getting the attention of your target audience. Better SEO leads to a better ranking that captivates a qualified audience for your business.

To make the most out of a website, you have to implement on-page and off-page SEO strategies. Companies often overlook the latter one. Although in reality, the expected fruitful results remain unachievable without a successful backlink plan, which is the central part of off-page SEO.

Different search engines have different algorithms to rank websites. Previously, keyword stuffing, increased word count, and backlinks from unlimited websites were enough to book a top slot. But now, you constantly have to focus on quality, relevancy, precision, authenticity, and optimization to reach the top position.

If we take Google as an example, link building is a source of gaining trust. One authentic website backlinking your site guarantees your credibility. It takes time to understand each ranking factor, but remember, precision is the key.

Following are the critical factors to achieving a successful Link Building strategy. Take a look and start with the ones you can implement right away.

Understand the Link Technicalities

Every business wants traffic and conversions organically. SEO is not restricted to writing content only. There are technicalities behind those words, and you, being the website owner, should know them.

The blogs we read every day have some links that take us to other websites. Those are called outbound links that successfully drive your site’s authority (or any other website). Furthermore, they back your information and help users explore the context more. Since Google or any other search engine is all about providing a good and informative experience to the users, this technique gives you an edge.

While working with the links, you should also know about the ‘do follow’ and ‘no follow’ links. Do follow links are those which redirect you to another page. It can be on the same website (inbound link) or any other (outbound link).

For a successful link-building strategy, you need to use both kinds of links.

Find Relevant Sites

Link building is not about strengthening your domain authority only. When you place a link on any other website, there are many chances that the audience wants to know more. And they will click on the outbound link.

A well-known technique to create authentic backlinks is guest blogging, and search engines recognize that well. Once you find an accurate and relevant website where your potential customers may be present, start strategizing your blogs.

For instance, suppose you offer local SEO services. In that case, finding a website that helps or motivates startups to achieve their long-term goals should be your target. When a potential lead reads a blog there and wills to know more about reaching the local customers, your link gives them a way forward. With this, you can successfully achieve your goal.

Be Subtle

Once a user knows that you are pushing hard to sell a service or a product, they get irritated and leave. While placing your links on authoritative websites, you have to be subtle and natural. Exaggerating the targeted context can backfire your link-building strategy and may not interest users to click. Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) are getting smarter, and their algorithms do not encourage direct product marketing either. But if you keep it natural and place the keyword instead of a straightforward selling phrase, you will yield desirable returns.

For instance, you want to market a blog on SEO’s current challenges, the anchor text (text with hyperlink) should not be ‘click here.’ Instead, you should subtly include text ‘challenges of SEO’.

Try to mention your links somewhere in the middle. You can also utilize the author’s information section, but there are fewer chances of clicks there.

Choose TLD Wisely

TLD (Top-Level Domain) determines your niche, target audience, location, and overall scope. It is the domain, like .com, .org, .co, .gov, .edu, .au, .uk etc. that comes at the end of a website URL.

The most common one is .com, which holds a total domain market share of 34.99% and attracts both local and international audiences. If that is your target, create your backlinks on .com websites. But suppose you are more specific to the audience and want to address government organizations, educational institutions, or the UK people. In that case, you can plan a link-building strategy for .gov, .edu, .uk domains websites.

Ensure that the TLD is coordinating with your audience’s needs and requirements.

Maintain Your Website’s Content Quality

Since you are creating backlinks for your website, it is crucial to maintain your content’s overall quality. One way of link building is to reach out to websites by either asking them to backlink your site or posting guest blogs. And the other way is to produce high-quality original content that people want to link to their sites independently.

Keep in mind that link building is not the only factor that helps you rank. A website with lots of backlinks will remain a failure.

Keep Checking the Quality of Backlinks

When you start with link-building tactics, do not go overboard. Getting quality links is more important than earning more links.

When you successfully deliver quality and rich content, other websites start linking to your content. You have to keep checking those mentions because having hyperlinks from low-authoritative websites or spam content can negatively impact your SEO.

The Final Thoughts

Link building is as crucial as producing worthy and quality content. Google or other search engines look at both on-page and off-page SEO.

Additionally, remain patient while strategizing your backlinking plan because it takes time to get the expected return. According to 51% of marketers, it can take a month or three to gain fruitful results if done right. To successfully attain your goals, you need to have a robust link-building strategy that keeps your worth maintained and drives quality traffic to your website.

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