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How to Add Responsive Design to Your Website

Elegant Themes - Nimble WordPress Theme

If you don’t know what responsive website design is and you run a business, you need to educate yourself on this important topic right away. Put simply, responsive web design allows web developers and designers to create websites that are viewable on all types of devices and all screen sizes, from the smallest smartphone screen to the biggest desktop computer monitor.

Why is responsive website design so important? Well, the answer is simple: because users today are always surfing the internet on a variety of different devices. They are no longer solely using their laptops and computers to get online. Instead, they’re on their smartphones and tablets, too. If your site isn’t built with responsive web design in mind, it won’t display properly and you could miss out on hits and conversions.

The Easy Way: Hire Someone Else To Do It

While this may not be possible if you prefer to do everything yourself or you simply don’t have the budget for hiring a professional, the easiest and fastest way to make sure your site is responsive is by letting a web designer take care of it. If cost does become an issue, keep in mind that you could potentially write off the cost on your taxes if it is for a business-related website. So be sure to remember that when you’re efiling your taxes for the year. There are many professionals out there today who have taken courses on responsive web design and are able to effectively transform any website into one that will properly display on all devices.

The Do-It-Yourself Way: Take a Course

If you’re already familiar with what goes into website design, you can certainly create a responsive website yourself if you have the time and resources to do so. There are many online courses available on the subject, so as long as you have the right experience and knowledge in place, you can enroll in one of these programs and add a new set of skills to your toolbox to save money and be in control over everything about your website. For example, some courses teach you programs like Adobe Edge Reflow. And by using a site like Umbeehosting.net, you will be secure in knowing all of your files are stored safely on a cloud server.

The WordPress Way: Use a Responsive Theme or Plugin

Another easy way to create a responsive website is by using the appropriate WordPress theme, especially if you’re already hosting your site through WordPress. Simply start by searching for a theme that is already responsive, such as Prose.

If you would prefer to not use a theme, you can instead utilize a WordPress plugin known as WP Touch. Just keep in mind that this plugin may not work with all the themes that are offered through WordPress.

Creating a responsive website is easier than you think, and there are several different ways to go about ensuring your site will display properly, no matter what. From hiring a professional designer to do the legwork for you, to taking a course or using a WordPress plugin, the most important step will be recognizing the need for a responsive site and then ensuring you have a site that’s fit for the 21st century internet user.

How to Add Responsive Design to Your Website

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