Sony has unveiled the light-emitting Vaio C laptop series. The laptop shines as the edges of the touchpad, VAIO logo and lid radiate light even when the machine is off. That’s because it’s made up of special material that transfers light through it without power.
The Vaio C series if available in 4 different shades: Neon Orange, Neon Green, Lightning White and Bolt Black. However, only the Neon Orange and Neon Green use the special light-transferring material. The C Series is available in two sizes: 14″ and 15.5″.
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Here’s some of the specs of the Vaio C series:
- Second generation Intel Core i5 processor
- Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0
- AMD Radeon 1GB Hybrid Graphics card
- Blu-ray disc drive
- Sony Imagination Studio Suite software
- Remote Keyboard (pairs Vaio laptop with other Sony Internet-connected devices)
The Sony Vaio C laptops will start at $880 and is set to go on pre-sale on March 13.