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Join The Google Highly Open Participation Contest

Join The Google Highly Open Participation Contest

If you’re 13 years of age or older and enrolled in a pre-university (e.g. high school or secondary school) educational institution, you can join the Google Highly Open Participation Contest and get a chance to win an all-expenses paid trip to the Googleplex, Google’s Headquarters in Mountain View, California, USA.

Join The Google Highly Open Participation ContestGoogle recently launched the Google Highly Open Participation Contest, or GHOP for short, following on from the success of the Google Summer of Code program. GHOP is intented to students and offers each contestant an opportunity to get involved in the Open Source community. It is also the aim of GHOP to encourage young people to
engage in such open source projects at an early time.

It’s Google’s not so secret hope that the student contestants of today will be long-term contributors to these and other open source projects in the future.

The participating open source projects gain the benefit of additional contributions to their project, often in important areas that may get overlooked for whatever reason.

There are ten (10) participating Open Source projects in the GHOP. Contestants are asked to select and decide which open source project(s) are doing work that is interesting to them, and complete a pre-defined task of their choice.

Open Source

In general, open source refers to any program or software whose source code is made available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit. These programs or softwares are usually developed as a public collaboration and made freely available. This means the software’s source code is made available to the general public and does not have licensing restrictions that limit use, modification, or redistribution. Open source can also be referred to as “open content” or “open research”.

10 Open Source Projects

Since there are 10 participating open source projects, there will be 10 grand prize winners. Here’s the list of the participating open source projects:

  1. Apache Software Foundation
  2. Drupal
  3. GNOME
  4. Joomla!
  5. MoinMoin
  6. Mono
  7. Moodle
  8. Plone
  9. Python
  10. SilverStripe

Tell Mom about it

If you are under the age of 18, you will need your parent’s permission for you to participate in the GHOP contest. You can tell your parents that if you win the grand prize, one of them will be joining you at the award’s ceremony in Googleplex.

If you like to grab this great opportunity, visit GHOP site.


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