
News on the Latest Technology Today

Birds Nest

What are Private IP Addresses?

An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a numerical label assigned to every computer connected to the internet. In other words, it is the ID of every device that is participating in the global network. The whole IP address system that is used today was invented in 1995 and named IPv4. The numerical labels are made […]

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The Future of Television is Now: The Transition from Analog to HDTV Broadcasting

Gone are the days when bulky television sets with crappy reception from a TV antenna is something that most homeowners needed to suffer through. With the switch from analog to high definition television or HDTV broadcasting which occurred in mid-2009, you can now enjoy better picture and sound quality, especially with the larger resolution high

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Sharp Super Hi-Vision - Ultra HDTV

Sharp Unveils World’s First Direct-View Super Hi-Vision 85-inch LCD

Sharp and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) have jointly developed an Ultra High Definition LCD display. The LCD, which boasts an approximately 33 megapixels (7,680 x 4,320 pixels) display, is a world’s first for a direct-view display. There haven’t been any direct-view HDTVs capable of showing a full 7,680 x 4,320 pixel resolution. Super Hi-Vision will

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Porsche Facebook 911

Porsche Unveils Facebook 911

To celebrate garnering 1 million Facebook fans (the fastest 1,000,000 facebook fans in automotive history!), Porsche has unveiled a special edition GT3 R Hybrid adorned with the names of 27,000 Porsche fans. They picked the Hybrid 911 racer because ‘it impressively embodies the future of motorsport’. The car has a 4.0-litre flat six that powers

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