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Blogroll Page Plugin: Publish your blogroll to an individual page

blogroll page plugin Blogroll Page Plugin: Publish your blogroll to an individual page

This WordPress plugin by Dominic Foster of Website Hosting IQ blogroll page plugin Blogroll Page Plugin: Publish your blogroll to an individual pagelets you publish your blogroll to an individual post or page instead of having your link list on your blog’s sidebar. Editing or maintaining links would be easier since this plugin integrates with the link manager (or blogroll manager) of your WordPress blog. This is also ideal if you have a long link list and want to save space in your sidebar for ads and other widgets, or if you just simply don’t want a crowded sidebar.

See how it works by visiting my blogroll page.

Setting it up

To add the Blogroll Page Plugin to your blog, follow instruction below:

  1. Download Blogroll Page plugin
  2. Unzip the plugin and upload it to your plugins folder
  3. (Upload the file blogroll-page.php to this folder: /your-blog.com/wp-content/plugins/ )

  4. Create a new post, or add a page (recommended) and put the following piece of code in the content:


    Note: Switch your content editor to Code view when inserting the code.

    Publish your page.

  5. Activate the plugin from your admin panel.

Plugin Option

You can set the links on your blogroll page to open in a new window when clicked. Just go to your admin panel > Options > Blogroll Page and check the box beside “Open link in new window”.

That’s it!

Download Blogroll Page Plugin.

Add Link Bookmarklet

To make adding links to your blogroll page much more easier, use the Add Link Bookmarklet. The Add Link Bookmarklet lets you add your favorite blogs or links to your blogroll with a single click. To use this bookmarklet, you need to add it to your browser’s toolbar or bookmark toolbar:

  1. go to your admin panel > Blogroll > Add Link
  2. scroll down to the bottom — you’ll see the “Add Link Bookmarket”
  3. Drag the “Link This” link up to your browser’s toolbar. This would create a “Link This” bookmarklet on your browser’s toolbar.

How to use this bookmarklet

To add a link, just go the blog or site that you want to add, and click the “Link This” bookmarklet on your browser’s toolbar. The ‘Add Link’ page or window will pop up. No need to type the blog or site’s name and URL anymore, the bookmarklet grabs them for you. Coolicious?

Use the Blogroll Page plugin together with the Add Link Bookmarklet (Link This Bookmarklet) to facilitate your blogrolling. They’re a perfect match. Don’t ya think?

If you have questions regarding the Blogroll Page Plugin or the bookmarklet, please feel free to ask using the comment form below.

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22 thoughts on “Blogroll Page Plugin: Publish your blogroll to an individual page”

  1. Hi Speedcat,

    Technorati counts a link from a blog as +1 to your Technorati Authority regardless where or what page of the blog the link is from, as long as that page is spiderable or Search Engine-friendly. Other blogs may be using blogroll or linker scripts which are not search engine or SEO-friendly.

    As for the Blogroll Page WordPress Plugin, this plugin integrates with the same link manager of WordPress. What it does is it only displays link list on an individual page instead on the sidebar — and the blogroll will remain search engine-friendly.

  2. NEWS (not sure):
    A few days ago at Technorati.com I think I’ve read a newflash saying something like they’re ‘currently having some issues with their system’. Any news or observations regarding this?

  3. Thanks for the plugin info, I’ve downloaded it and will see how it goes. Just installed new theme and have been compiling links but precisely because of the number, I didn’t want to locate it in sidebar, so this is perfect. I need all the help I can get;-D

  4. Very cool! Now that I have it working, how do I remove the Blogroll from the right column? (Newbie here :)
    Thanks again,

  5. Hi Cindy,

    If you’re using a widget-ready theme, to remove the blogroll from the side bar go to your Admin panel > Presentation > Widgets. Look for the widget named “Links” and remove it by dragging it back down to the ‘Available Widgets’ box. Then click Save Changes. That’s it.

    If you’re theme is not widget-ready, just let me know. Maybe we can fix it.

  6. Awesome! I had not been using the widgets, and just last night (fortunately?! ha!) lost the whole blog, so re-created it from scratch, and this and a lot of other things are working real well now. Than-you, thank-you! This site will be ready soon and you can have a sneak-peak if you like.

    Great site and service you have here!
    Cindy :-)

  7. Hi,
    I love this plugin. This is exactly what I was looking for to add to my site. I am going to use another theme, but its layout doesn’t go well with a long blogroll so I wanted to place all my links in another page but I thought it would be a tiresome job to type each link as an entry in the page. This plugin solves that problem. One request though. Would it be possible to add a graphic or the logo of the site, just like in the normal blogroll?

  8. That would be great if category sections could be ordered too. for example it show now:
    Link Category 1

    Link Category 2

    and I want it to show like this:
    Link Category 2

    Link Category 1

  9. Thank you kindly for the helpful insight on this valuable plugin. It was exactly what I was looking for to help organize and display the many blogs I link to at eslgeorgia.com

    Thanks again!

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