Social Media

News about the world of social networking and all social aspect of the web. Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, YouTube, Google Buzz.

Facebook Pages

How To Create A Facebook Page For Your Blog

Facebook Pages (or Facebook Fan Pages) allows businesses, public figures, organizations, and other entities, including blogs or websites, to create a public presence on Facebook. If your blog has a Facebook Page, your enabling your users or readers and other people on Facebook to connect (become fans) with your blog. Because Facebook Pages are visible

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Invisible Man

Facebook Just Made You and Your Friends Invisible – How To Fix It

Wonder why you’re not seeing as many posts as it used to be from your friends lately? That’s because Facebook has made them invisible. Facebook has made some changes to the ‘News Feed’ section setting that by default is set to show only posts from people who you’ve interacted with or interacted the most with.

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Create and Broadcast Your Own Personal Internet Radio Show with Spreaker

Spreaker’s open platform enables you to host and listen to thousands of radio shows. By registering for free or logging in with a Facebook profile, anyone can become a radio host. Create your own radio show using the DJ console, mixing your voice with music tracks and effects. No downloading is required, and the service is free.

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