
News on the Latest Technology Today


What is Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi is a wireless technology that allows electronic equipment to connect to the internet with the help of radio waves. It is the most popular means of connecting to a network and accessing the internet. The benefits of Wi-Fi are substantial, the most important benefit being that the internet can be accessed wirelessly and the

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video codecs

What Is A Video Codec

People shoot videos on various camera devices. These may be your usual cell phone camera or even a high end professional camera. When somebody shoots moving images they like to put it in context and then upload it on the net to share it with their friends. However, if these video files are big, uploading

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video conferencing

Video Conferencing: A Quality Control Face Off

In an economic challenging time, video conferencing certainly makes sense for obvious financial reasons. It provides a great way to save the time and expense associated with travel. Although the use of telephones and “voice only” communication has been used as a viable communication tool for decades, visual communications clearly provide a much more complete method of communicating.

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